Shop News CW19 2024

Since I finshed the handicapped bathroom for the cafĂ© I can now start working on the shop extension and dyno-room. It will be a wooden structure as they are light and have and good carbon balance. I am mostly working alone so progress will be slow. It is not going to be a very large structure as it will only mesure 4x12m, so about 48 square meters. From that a 4×4 room will be dedicated to the dyno. It will have a few doors and some windows, just gotta get off my butt and order them.

Big pile of wood.

I don’t know if you guys find this interesting but I though you might like knowing what we are up to at the moment. I will keep updating my progress here. The enlarged shop will allow us to get our CNC machine up and running and get the dyno setup.

The online shop as always is still up and running. We will continue to replace stock as it sells… So if something is out of stock and you need it now get intouch with us or if something you need is not in the shop let us know and we will see if we can get it for you. Best way to get intouch at the moment is though the contact form on the site or through email.

As always, thanks for stopping in…

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