It has been a while since our last update and much has happend. The new NTN small-end bearings for the NX4/5/A are now in stock. We also added some new EBC wave type rotors to the shop. So, if you have the chance to check them out you should.
We also have some very big news for you guys!
Our current shop has become way too small and we will be moving to a much bigger shop in January. This means we will be leaving Lübeck and making our way down south to Hagen im Bremischen. There a 600sq/m hall awaits us. In its current form we can’t use the hall so, until we are able to finish part of the hall we will not be able to do any work on new parts or crank rebuilds. Online sales through the shop will continue as normal with only slight shipping delays possible.
We are looking forward to our new shop. There we will be able to add new machines and expand our ability to provide you guys with parts for your machines.